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Welsh Language Standards

The following information is available in Welsh: Safonau’r Gymraeg

The General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) is under legal duty to comply with the Welsh Language Standards (No.8) Regulations 2022. We are committed to treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language as part of our compliance with these legal duties.

We recognise the importance of the Welsh language and aim to facilitate the use of Welsh across our services. Find out more about the standards in our Welsh Language Standards compliance statement.

Welsh Language Standards annual report

As part of our duty to comply with the standards, we publish an Annual Report to the Welsh Language Commissioner which outlines:

  • The number of complaints we have received relating to our compliance with the standards.
  • The number of GOsC employees who have Welsh language skills.
  • The number of new and vacant posts that we recruited for where Welsh language skills were essential, desirable, needed to be learned or not necessary.

Read our Annual Report to the Welsh Language Commissioner 2023-24

Our Welsh Language complaints procedure

If you would like to make a complaint about our compliance with the Welsh Language Standards, you can follow the procedure outlined below. Our procedure is also included alongside the standards in our compliance notice.

How to make a complaint

Please send us your complaint in writing by post or email. You can submit your complaint in Welsh or English. Your complaint should be addressed to Chief Executive and Registrar at:

General Osteopathic Council
Osteopathy House
176 Tower Bridge Road
London SE1 3LU

Or send to us by email: welshlanguage@osteopathy.org.uk

To help us process your complaint quickly, please provide the following:

  • A clear description of the complaint and what action you might like us to take
  • Your full postal address, phone number and e-mail address.

Complaints should be drawn to our attention at the earliest opportunity and within 12 months of the incident occurring.

What you can expect from us

The GOsC will:

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days.
  • Arrange for the complaint to be fully investigated.
  • Keep you informed of progress.
  • Send a full reply within 21 working days. If this is not possible, we will explain why and give you a date by which you can expect a full reply.
If you are not satisfied with our response

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you can ask for the matter to be reviewed by the Chair of Council. The Chair is an independently appointed person who oversees the governance structure of the GOsC. Please write, indicating why you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, to:

Chair of Council
General Osteopathic Council
Osteopathy House
176 Tower Bridge Road
London SE1 3LU

On receipt of the letter, the Chair will ensure that we:

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days.
  • Arrange for the complaint to be fully investigated.
  • Keep you informed of progress.
  • Send a full reply within 21 working days. If this is not possible, we will explain why and give you a date by which you can expect a full reply.