Customer service
We have many different groups of customers, including patients, the public, osteopaths and other health professionals and it is our aim to provide all with a high quality of service.
We want to hear from you whether you have compliments about your experience with us or whether you are dissatisfied with the service you received.
There are separate complaints procedures for complaints about osteopaths, about members of Council and committees and about the GOsC as an organisation.
What we will do
We deal professionally with all who contact us. This means that we treat you with respect, courtesy, efficiency and fairness and will preserve confidentiality. We expect to be treated in the same way.
Our aim is that at the close of contact with us you should feel satisfied that you have been listened to and that your query was answered. If we have not been able to help you, we want you to know where else you can turn to for assistance or understand why we couldn’t help you on this occasion.
It is our aim to answer letters within 5 working days and emails within 2 working days. If we cannot give you a full reply in that time, we will tell you when you can expect a reply and from whom, and keep you informed of progress.
What we expect from you
We ask you to treat our staff with courtesy and politeness. If a caller behaves inappropriately towards our staff, we will point this out. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include swearing, shouting, insulting personal remarks and sexist, racist or other discriminatory comments.
If such behaviour continues after a warning, we will end the call, explaining why we are doing so, and ask the caller to write to us instead. If a caller is persistently abusive, we may ask them to communicate with us solely by letter or email.
If things go wrong
We endeavour to provide an effective and efficient service at all times, but we recognise that there could be occasions when we fall short of the standards we set ourselves or the expectations of others. We are committed to responding swiftly and efficiently to comments and complaints about our service. We will seek to find out what happened and what may have gone wrong, so that we learn from the experience and improve how we deal with similar situations in the future.
Let us know
We want to hear from you if you have had a great customer experience in dealing with us or feel someone deserves praise. Do let us know by emailing
We also want to hear from you if you are dissatisfied with the service you received. If the way we dealt with you did not meet your expectations, we would encourage you, wherever possible, to raise concerns directly with the member of staff you have been dealing with, or with their manager.
If this seems inappropriate, or if it is impossible to reach a resolution, we offer a formal complaints procedure. This procedure is explained in our leaflet Making a complaint about the GOsC, which includes a complaint form to use if you do send in a complaint.
If you need further information, email or phone the Chief Executive and Registrar’s office on 020 7357 6655 ext 246.