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The Council meets four times a year and the Policy and Education Committee meets three times a year. These meetings are held at the GOsC offices (176 Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 3LU), but are currently being conducted as blended meetings using a virtual conferencing platform for those who are unable to attend in person. Read our COVID-19 GOsC Office Meetings Policy.

A Council meeting taking place

Apart from private sessions, Council and Policy and Education Committee meetings are open to the public. Attendance for virtual meetings remain by prior arrangement: if you would like to attend the next meeting, please contact the Council and Executive Support Officer by email at: council@osteopathy.org.uk.

Forthcoming Council meetings Agenda and papers
Wednesday 20 November 2024 Agenda and papers


Forthcoming Policy and Education Committee meetings Agenda and papers
Thursday 10 October 2024 Agenda and papers

Papers and minutes of past meetings

For copies from past meetings (2007 onwards) click on the relevant tab on the left. Before April 2016 the GOsC had an Education and Registration Standards Committee and Osteopathic Practice Committee; these were amalgamated into the Policy Advisory Committee which was renamed the Policy and Education Committee in April 2020.


Agendas and papers for meetings

The agendas and papers for meetings are generally available here a week before a meeting. After meetings the papers are available via the menu tabs on the left. Confirmed minutes of a meeting are also available there, after the subsequent meeting.