Graduate Outcomes and Standards for Education and Training
The following information is available in Welsh: Safonau Addysg a Hyfforddiant a Deilliannau Graddedigion
The Graduate Outcomes and Standards for Education and Training help the GOsC to monitor and assure the quality of osteopathic education. This document is available to read in Welsh: Deilliannau i Raddedigion a Safonau ar gyfer Addysg a Hyfforddiant.
The Graduate Outcomes are designed to help students demonstrate that they meet the Osteopathic Practice Standards before they graduate and are able to register with us.
The outcomes have been mapped to the four themes of the Osteopathic Practice Standards, covering:
- A: Communication and patient partnership
- B: Knowledge, skills and performance
- C: Safety and quality in practice
- D: Professionalism
The outcomes also detail the common presentations with which graduates should be familiar.
The Standards for Education and Training set clear requirements as to the resources, culture and environment within which osteopathic education providers should deliver their education and training programmes.
The standards have also been designed to support graduates to deliver high quality patient care and safety in their practice. They are divided into nine themes, including:
- Programme design, delivery and assessment
- Programme governance, leadership and management
- Learning culture
- Quality evaluation, review and assurance
- Resources
- Students
- Clinical experience
- Staff support and development
- Patients
The Graduate Outcomes and Standards for Education and Training should be read alongside other published guidance about student fitness to practise and the management of health and disability.