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How to register with the GOsC

Annual Registration Fee

The following information is available in Welsh: Sut i gofrestru gyda'r GOsC

The annual fee that osteopaths pay the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) is reviewed each year by the Council. Registration fees have been frozen since 2014. The GOsC is the only healthcare regulator which has a lower fee for those new graduates who are joining the Register for the very first time. We have a lower fee in the first and second year of practice as well as reductions available for reasons such as maternity leave or ill-health.

If your practising circumstances change, you should contact the GOsC Registration team. You can choose to pay your registration fee in one lump sum or by instalments. If paying by instalment, there is a small administration charge which is added to the fee: £10 for the fee in years 1 and 2, £20 in year 3+.

Registration level Registration fee
Year 1 (entry) £320
Year 2 UK £430
Year 2 reduced rate £215
Year 3+ UK £570
Year 3+ reduced rate £320


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