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Driscoll’s model for structured reflection


19 March 2014 DOC

Driscoll’s Model for Structured Reflection

EdC meeting 2011/09/22 agenda (part 1 public)


19 March 2014 PDF

GOsC Part I of the 65th meeting of the Education Committee (EdC) to take place after Part II Thursday 22 September 2011 at Osteopathy House, 176 Tower

Evidence mapping grid for each piece of evidence


19 March 2014 DOC

Evidence Mapping Grid for each piece of evidence

Evidence mapping grid template


19 March 2014 DOC

Evidence Mapping Grid template

Final self-assessment checklist


19 March 2014 PDF

Final self-assessment checklist

Further information about feedback from the critical reader


19 March 2014 PDF

Further information about feedback from the critical reader

GOsC meeting 2012/03/29 minutes (public session)


19 March 2014 PDF

Minutes of the public session of the 75th meeting of the General Osteopathic Council
Thursday 29 March 2012

GOsC meeting 2013/03/20 agenda


19 March 2014 PDF

The 79th meeting of the General Osteopathic Council to be held in public on Wednesday 20 March 2013 commencing at 10.00am at Osteopathy House, 176 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LU

GOsC meeting 2013/03/20 minutes (public session)


19 March 2014 PDF

Minutes of the Public Session of the 79th meeting of the General Osteopathic Council
Wednesday 20 March 2013

GOsC meeting 2013/03/20 minutes (public session)


19 March 2014 PDF

Minutes of the Public Session of the 79th meeting of the General Osteopathic Council
Wednesday 20 March 2013

  1. 1
  2. ...
  3. 317
  4. 318
  5. 319
  6. 320
  7. 321
  8. 322
  9. 323
  10. 324
  11. 325
  12. 326
  13. ...
  14. 334