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Student FtP working group


20 March 2014 PDF

Student fitness to practise working group

Action plan template


19 March 2014 DOC

Action plan template

Background to revalidation


19 March 2014 PDF

Background to Revalidation

Case presentation template


19 March 2014 DOC

Case presentation template

Case-based discussion template


19 March 2014 DOC

Case-based discussion template

Complaints and claims against osteopaths 2004-2008


19 March 2014 PDF

Complaints and claims against osteopaths: a baseline study of the frequency of complaints 2004–2008
and a qualitative exploration of patients’ complaints

Continuing FtP seminar presentation


19 March 2014 PPT

Continuing Fitness to Practise Seminar - Presentation - Fiona Browne and Tim Walker 18 July 2013

Continuing FtP seminar QA


19 March 2014 PDF

GOsC Continuing Fitness to Practise Seminar QA, International House, 1 St Katherine’s Way, London, E1W 1UN
18 July 2013

Description of practice and contents list


19 March 2014 DOC

Description of Practice and Contents List

DH letter to chief executive and registrar - 1st November 2010


19 March 2014 PDF

Department of Health letter to Chief Executive and Registrar - 1st November 2010
Non-Medical Revalidation

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