Documents Library
Council Associates 2024: Application form 2 (PDF)
Council Associates 2024: Application form 2 (PDF)
Patient involvement and shared decision making with Rachel Heatley transcript (Welsh)
Patient involvement and shared decision making with Rachel Heatley transcript (Welsh)
Patient involvement and shared decision making with Rachel Heatley transcript (English)
Patient involvement and shared decision making with Rachel Heatley transcript (English)
Nescot programme approval - Privy Council letter
Nescot programme approval - Privy Council letter
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging framework 2024-30
GOsC's Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging framework 2024-30
Fframwaith Tegwch, Amrywiaeth, Cynhwysiant a Pherthyn 2024-30
GOsC's framework for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging 2024-30 in Welsh
Tracking the Osteopathic Profession 2009-2023: Key registration trends
This report aims to better understand registration numbers and key trends based on the analysis of existing GOsC data sources, so as to determine what the osteopathic sector looks like currently (2008-09 to 2023).