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Professor Deborah Bowman shares her personal experience of joining Council

2 June 2021

Deborah Bowman shares her first impressions and personal experience of joining the GOsC’s Council.

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Putting equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our work

25 May 2021

In this video, Matthew Redford explains why equality, diversity and inclusion is a major priority for the GOsC and calls for patients to take part in focus groups and phone interviews in early June to get their feedback on our draft Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Framework for 2021-24.

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My first year on the GOsC Council

17 May 2021

Daniel Bailey reflects on how the COVID-19 pandemic took hold during his first year on GOsC’s Council

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My reflections on the experience of joining GOsC Council at the start of the pandemic

7 May 2021

Caroline Guy shares her insight into the first year of serving on GOsC’s Council, while also suspending her osteopathic practice as the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

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Dr Bill Gunnyeon reflects on his first year as Chair of Council

28 April 2021

Dr Bill Gunnyeon reflects on the unexpected challenges of his first year as GOsC’s Chair of Council and looks towards the future

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