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Last chance to give us your views in two key consultations

14 January 2013

GOsC consultations on consent guidance and consensual disposal of some fitness to practise cases close this month.

Last chance to give us your views

GOsC consultations about guidance on obtaining patient consent and consensual disposal of certain fitness to practise cases come to an end this month: the consultation on consent guidance closes on 16 January and that on consensual disposal on 31 January. These are important issues and we welcome the widest possible views. If you haven’t yet told us what you think, please take the time to do so now.

Obtaining Consent expands on existing guidance at Standard A4 of the Osteopathic Practice Standards (OPS)¹. It explains the law relating to patient’s capacity to give consent, as it stands in each of the four UK countries.

The draft guidance Obtaining Consent and information about the consultation is available on the GOsC website at: www.osteopathy.org.uk/news-and-resources/document-library/our-work/obtaining-consent-consultation-document-draft.

‘Consensual disposal’ allows for cases to be concluded by agreement following the investigation stage of a complaint. It is an alternative to referring the case forward for a full hearing before the PCC where the PCC has reviewed the evidence and considers that the complaint should be dealt with by admonishing the osteopath. In some instances, this may be considered to be the most appropriate and proportionate way of dealing with a complaint.

Further information about the consultation and how to respond is available on this website at www.osteopathy.org.uk/news-and-resources/document-library/our-work/consensual-disposal-consultation-note/

¹Osteopathic Practice Standards. General Osteopathic Council, September 2012.