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Suppliers and contracts over £25,000


20 May 2024 PDF

Suppliers and contracts with a value of more than £25,000 - 2023-2024

GOsC publication scheme


24 September 2021 PDF

General Osteopathic Council Publication Scheme

Updated September 2021

COVID-19 ebulletin - 9 April 2020


9 April 2020 PDF

COVID-19 ebulletin - 9 April 2020

Whistleblowing disclosures report 2018


10 September 2018 PDF

Whistleblowing disclosures report 2018

How to complain about an osteopath - Welsh


14 October 2016 PDF

Sut mae gwneud cwyn am osteopath

Making a complaint about the GOsC - Welsh


14 October 2016 PDF

Gwneud cwyn am y Cyngor Osteopathig Cyffredinol

Memorandum of understanding beween the GOsC and the Gibraltar Medical Registration Board


7 September 2016 PDF

Memorandum of understanding (MOU) beween the GOsC and the Gibraltar Medical Registration Board, January 2015.

To develop and foster a good working relationship between the GOsC and the GMRB in the interest of protecting the public in their respective...

Memorandum of understanding beween the GOsC and the Isle of Man


7 September 2016 PDF

Memorandum of understanding (MOU) beween the GOsC and the Isle of Man Department of Health and Social Care, October 2014.

Aimed at ensuring that patients are protected by the effective and proportionate regulation of osteopaths, through the liaison, cooperation...

Memorandum of understanding beween the GOsC, OBA, OCNZ and AOAC


4 August 2016 PDF

Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the GOsC, the Osteopathy Board of Australia, the Osteopathic Council of New Zealand and the Australasian Osteopathic Accreditation Council, 3 August 2016.

To promote the exchange of information, streamline regulatory processes, share best practice and...

Gifts and Hospitality Policy


21 August 2015 PDF

Gifts and Hospitality Policy

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