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New year, new approach: why we’re launching WhatsApp

22 January 2025

By Matthew Redford (view more by this author)
Matthew is GOsC's Chief Executive and Registrar.

Chief Executive and Registrar of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), Matthew Redford, explains why the regulator is piloting the use of WhatsApp as a new way for osteopaths and students to contact the GOsC.

When people think about regulators, they tend to think of formality and rigidity. Thankfully, my colleagues and I have been thinking about how we can challenge this and make changes to some of the ways we work, particularly in response to recent research findings.

With this in mind, I’m glad to say we’re piloting the use of WhatsApp as a new way for osteopaths and students to contact us. While this may not immediately seem like something a regulator would embrace, let me explain.

Our research found that osteopaths with positive views of the GOsC tended to have more direct experiences with our staff, whereas those with negative views tended to be influenced more by the experiences of others in the profession.

This is important because, as we understand, there are many in the profession who are wary of contacting us directly, even if they have a question about a regulatory matter – CPD requirements or patient safety, for example. This often comes from a fear of the regulator, which is not unique to osteopathy. Colleagues from other healthcare regulators have said the same thing – many of their registrants are fearful, and they too are trying their best to reduce this fear.

Launching WhatsApp is one of many steps we are taking to make ourselves more approachable and easily contactable in response to the research findings. For example, we’ve also improved our phone system to make the process more streamlined; and we’ve been running drop in sessions every Tuesday from 12-1pm on Zoom for the past couple of months, for those who wish to speak to us to raise a question.

We hope that WhatsApp will make it a little bit easier for those who perhaps prefer text or voice messages, to contact us directly. There’ll be a member of staff on hand to respond, either with the information you need or on some occasions, explaining what will happen next in order for us to find the answers needed.

WhatsApp is new territory for us, so we might not get it right from the get-go. This is why we are running this as a pilot – it’s a new way for us to make ourselves available to you. Also do be aware that there are limits to the information we can provide using WhatsApp, for example, we cannot discuss confidential information about you or your registration. Questions about your registration will still need to be sent to our Registration team by email at registration@osteopathy.org.uk

We can however share information that is already public, like answering your questions about the requirements of the CPD scheme, applying the Osteopathic Practice Standards in your practice or perhaps learning more about our fitness to practise processes.

No matter the question, we will learn and adapt our approach on WhatsApp as we go, asking for your feedback along the way to make sure this new way of contacting us works for you. We’ll also continue to consider our values in all of our decisions, making sure we are being collaborative and respectful, while keeping in mind our strategic aim to be innovative in our work. In doing so, hopefully we will continue to work towards being an inclusive regulator, trusted by all.

If you have questions or feedback on our use of WhatsApp to contact the GOsC please let us know, either using WhatsApp on 020 7046 0406 from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday or by email if you prefer to: info@osteopathy.org.uk