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Consultation on draft Remote Hearings Guidance and Protocol

About you


Please indicate below the capacity in which you are responding:
Diversity questionnaire

We would like to ask some questions about you. Completing the diversity questionnaire is optional but we would welcome information about our respondents. We ask for this information to help us analyse the consultation responses to help ensure we are not inadvertently discriminating against any particular group. We are also required as an organisation to monitor diversity.

It would be very helpful to us if you would provide this information. You can skip any questions you do not wish to answer.

Please complete the diversity questionnaire.

Did you find the draft Remote Hearings Guidance and Protocol clear and accessible?


Have you had direct experience of a remote hearing at GOsC?




Do you think there are any implications for vulnerable witnesses, children or groups with specific protected characteristics as a result of this guidance?


Are there inclusion, diversity or equality aspects which may be unfair or discriminate against people with particular protected characteristics?


Do you consider that the approach proposed in this consultation supports our overarching objective of public protection?




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