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Consultations and events

We are committed to working with osteopaths, patients, other healthcare professionals and all those with an interest in osteopathic care and the work of the GOsC. Through consultations, we invite your views when we are planning new areas of work or changing the way we do things. We always welcome suggestions for improving the way we do things and we tell you below about how you can send us feedback.

Current Consultations
  • Draft Guidance for Applicants and Students with a Disability or Health Condition

In 2016 we published guidance on Students with a Disability or Health Condition – Guidance for Osteopathic Educational Institutions and Guidance for Applicants and Students with a Disability or Health Condition. We have now updated this guidance and we are seeing feedback which will help to inform the final version.

Draft guidance we are consulting on

How to respond

The deadline for responses is Friday 29 November 2024.

Easy Read versions 
Taking on board feedback we've received, we have also developed ‘Easy Read’ versions which we are also inviting views on. Utilising ‘Easy Read’ will allow us to make the written information easier to understand with short, simple sentences and pictures.


From all sections of the website you can email us to let us know what you think about the information there; you can also use the form on our Contact us page to ask us questions, let us know if you haven't found the information you want or to let us know if you have found anything on this website particularly helpful.

Involving patients in our work

We are looking for osteopathic patients to be actively involved in the work we do so we can listen, learn and better understand the patient perspective. If you are interested and willing to use your unique experience to help make a difference to future osteopathic care, we would love to hear from you. Find out more


For details of forthcoming Council and Education Committee meetings that are open to the public visit our Meetings page. When we have other forthcoming events, details will be available here.